Please join us in-person at the library for our evening meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month – all welcome – drop in between 17:30 to 19:30 (free). Just look for the reserved tables or ask the librarians to point us out. Work on your own projects or ask for help and advice while we chat about books, paper and design.
Art & Design Library, Central, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.
- January 22nd
- February 12th and 26th
- March 12th and 26th
- April 9th and 23rd

The morning meetings continue online and are on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, pop in from 10:30 and bind some artists’ books or fold some ‘zines along with us while catching up on book goings on.
Just email or DM us on instagram with your Skype username and we will add you to the group. We use Skype as it has persistent chat – so even if you miss the meeting you can still see photos and interesting links people have added over the week.

- January 15th
- February 5th and 19th
- March 5th and 19th
- April 9th and 23rd
In the months that have a 5th Wednesday we meet from 10:30am at the Printmakers Cafe, Fountain Bridge.
- January 29th
- April 30th

Also this spring the Artists Bookmarket and Zine Fair at the Fruitmarket Gallery (15/16th February) and Bookmarks at the ECA (March TBA)