International Zine Month runs each July – we’ll be making some zines and enjoying the contents of the Edinburgh Zine Library.
Our morning meetings on the first and third Wednesday of the month will continue online, pop in from 10:30 and bind some artists’ books or fold some ‘zines along with us while catching up on book goings on – 6th and 20th of July.
We will hold the virtual meetings at the regular meetup time – just email or DM us on instagram with your Skype username and we will add you to the group.

Please join us in person! at the library for our evening meetings on the second and fourth Wednesdays. 13th and 27th of July, 17:30 to 19:30.
Art & Design Library, Central, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.
For our in person meetings you can work on any projects you bring but if you are new to book making and want to bind along with others this months theme will be map fold books. Please bring some loose sheets of paper (cartridge or even pages from an old magazine will work), a pair of scissors, glue stick, some scraps of card for covers (cereal packet, grey board or mount board etc.), pencil.